

Truth and Reconciliation

Dear Cambrian Heights School families,  

Oki, Danit’ada, Umba-watich, Tansi, Tawnshi, Bonjour, Hello. 


In keeping with our commitment to partner with you on matters of importance, I am writing to advise you of an important discussion that was held with students during class over the past few days, and during a virtual gathering today for Grades 1-6 students. The recent news of the tragic discovery of the burial site at The Kamloops Residential School prompted many questions by students and provided an opportunity to help students understand the issues and build compassion for one another. At our virtual assembly, we shared a land acknowledgement, an age-appropriate excerpt from the picture book I am not a Number, and a song of remembrance that was gifted to us by Elder and Knowledge Keeper Frank and Darcy Turning Robe.


Many of our students already were aware of the events in Kamloops, and had already begun to raise many questions. Cambrian Heights School students are regularly given an opportunity to discuss and explore issues connected to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, and provided opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and reactions. This discussion included understanding the significance of National Indigenous History month, flags being flown at half-mast across the country and Orange Shirt Day. As a school committed to teaching care and compassion, the students were able to discuss what actions they could take in support of the children, families and communities suffering this tragedy. Throughout the coming month, we encourage you to answer your child’s questions in an open and honest manner and within the context of your families' beliefs and values. 


Following the story "Shin-chi's Canoe by Nicole I. Campbell" , each student in Kindergarten reflected on why they love school and what makes them feel good at school. They created a personal thought or message that we have written on an orange heart and will display in front of our school. We invite families to participate by placing a stuffed animal on their doorstep this evening. Students and staff are also welcome to wear orange this week if they are able. 


As a school, and a member of the larger Calgary Board of Education community, we are committed to fostering a safe, caring, and welcoming learning environment for all students. We are also committed to acknowledging and supporting the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action for a better Canada for all of us. Please contact the main office at (403)-777-6150, if you have any questions regarding these conversations, or if you or your family require any additional supports.


Thank you for your support and commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.

Shin-chi's Canoe by Nicole Campbell.

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